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SEI report

A European Eco-Efficient Economy: Governing climate, energy and competitiveness

This report describes the opportunities for Europe to become a leader in the global transformation to an eco-efficient economy. It discusses the imperative for this transformation, examines achievements and on-going efforts, and advances a set of agenda items for political discussion.


Nilsson, M.; Varnäs, A.; Kehler Siebert, C.; Nilsson, L.J.; Nykvist, B.; Ericsson, K. (2009). A European Eco-Efficient Economy: Governing climate, energy and competitiveness. Nilsson, M., A. Varnäs, C. Kehler Siebert, L.J. Nilsson, B. Nykvist and K. Ericsson (2009). A European eco-efficient economy: governing climate, energy and competitiveness: report for the 2009 Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Stockholm: SEI. SEI project report.

The report suggests a  set of actions and agenda items to step up Europe’s (and in particular the EU’s) efforts to foster an eco-efficient economy.

Increased technology development and stronger horizontal coordination.Three areas  are considered to be strategically crucial for the development of a greener economy: resource systems efficiency, new technology markets and global carbon pricing. To achieve this, current institutional and political structures and processes also need reform.

First, it is necessary routinely to establish better knowledge systems and evidence gathering for policies and impacts in the policy making process.

Second, policy making must be better integrated, vertically and horizontally.

Third, it is necessary to develop governance arrangements that induce development and diffusion of specific technologies alongside more generic policies.

Download the project report (PDF: 1.46MB)

See also the brief based on this report

SEI authors

Måns Nilsson
Måns Nilsson

Executive Director

SEI Headquarters

Bjorn Nyqvist
Björn Nykvist

Team Leader: Energy and Industry Transitions; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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