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Can rainfed agriculture feed the world?

This book is based on research undertaken by a team of leading scientists from 10 global organizations.

Johan Rockström, Louise Karlberg / Published on 13 January 2010

de Fraiture, C.; Karlberg, L.; Rockström, J. (2009). Can rainfed agriculture feed the world?. de Fraiture, C., L. Karlberg and J. Rockström (2009). Can rainfed agriculture feed the world? In: S.P. Wani, J. Rockström and T. Oweis (eds.) Rainfed Agriculture: Unlocking the Potential. Wallingford, UK: CABI. Comprehensive assessment of water management in agriculture series: 7. ISBN 9781845933890. Pp. 124-132.

Chapters consider the potential of rainfed agriculture on the basis of case studies for different regions in Asia and Africa with the aim to assess the need of water for achieving food security and reducing poverty.

Yield gaps for major rainfed crops are analysed globally and possible ways and means including technological, social and institutional options to bridge the yield gaps are discussed in detail.

SEI authors

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