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Show me the money: Ensuring equity, transparency and accountability in adaptation finance

This article, a chapter in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: Climate Change, provides context to illustrate some of the reasons behind the mistrust that continues to affect discussions on adaptation funding, and submits that there is a fundamental difference between developing and developed countries’ interpretations of ‘equity, transparency and accountability’.

Richard J. T. Klein / Published on 2 May 2011

Richard Klein (2011). Show me the money: Ensuring equity, transparency and accountability in adaptation finance. Klein, R.J.T., 2011: Show me the money: ensuring equity, transparency and accountability in adaptation finance. In: Global Corruption Report: Climate Change, Transparency International (ed.), Earthscan, London, UK, 220–233.

A major issue in climate negotiations is mistrust over money between developed and developing countries. Keenly aware of the high costs of adapting to climate change, developing countries are concerned that the financial support they need will not be forthcoming, or that it will come at the expense of equally important development aid.

After presenting an overview of the current adaptation funding ‘landscape’, the piece discusses these concepts of equity, transparency and accountability with respect to the generation, governance, delivery and use of adaptation money under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A shared perspective of countries on these issues is important not only so that they can begin to rebuild trust but also to ensure that money is used effectively and efficiently.

About the Global Corruption Report: Climate Change

This is the first book to comprehensively explore corruption risks within climate finance. It provides essential policy analysis to help policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders understand these risks and develop effective responses at a critical point in time when the main architecture for climate governance is being developed.

More than 50 leading experts and practitioners contributed, covering four key areas:

  • Governance: Investigating major governance challenges towards tackling climate change.
  • Mitigating climate change: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with transparency and accountability.
  • Adapting to climate change: Identifying corruption risks in climate-proofing development, financing and implementation of adaptation.
  • Forestry governance: Responding to the corruption challenges plaguing the forestry sector, and how these challenges need to be integrated into current international strategies to halt deforestation and promote reforestation.

Download the book (external link to Transparency International)

SEI author

Richard J.T. Klein
Richard J. T. Klein

Team Leader: International Climate Risk and Adaptation; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Topics and subtopics
Climate : Adaptation, Finance

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