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SEI annual report

Annual report 2010

This report shows how we work to reach our goals – to build a sustainable world and help people beat poverty. The eight stories inside give a snapshot of how we seek solutions to urgent environment and development challenges.

Robert Watt, Ylva Rylander / Published on 26 May 2011

Gill, T., R. Watt, Y. Rylander. (2011). SEI Annual Report 2010. SEI. Stockholm, Sweden.

The institute operates from seven locations on four continents. We work in the North and South with capacity building, policy engagement and natural and social science.

The insight that the environment and human development are tightly intertwined drives our integrated research. For example, our work with UNEP on air pollution (page 9) embraces food security, climate change, ecosystems and governance, and our research on the Millenium Development Goals takes in energy access, soil science, water issues and economics (page 17).

We realise that science and policy need to work together more closely and flexibly than ever to keep pace with a fast-changing world. SEI’s new research structure (see page 7) enables our staff across disciplines to combine and integrate issues in new ways, to explore research frontiers, and to respond more swiftly to the needs of policymakers and our stakeholders.

Inside you can also find an overview of our goals, locations, donors and partners, and our financial and environmental performance.


Download the 2010 Annual Report (PDF: 1.29MB)

SEI authors

Robert Watt
Robert Watt

Engagement Director

SEI Headquarters

Ylva Rylander
Ylva Rylander

Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters


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