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Sweden in a World of Growing Uncertainties: Background report 10 to the Commission on the Future of Sweden

This report lays out the basic rationale for a Swedish transformation into a 21st century green economy. The notion of ‘green economy’ has gained a significant foothold in the scientific and public debate, especially in the last few years. Most basically, it signifies new thinking designed to tackle an accumulated set of problems.

Karl Hallding, Måns Nilsson, Eric Kemp-Benedict, Magnus Benzie / Published on 8 February 2013

Hallding, K., E.A. Eriksson, M. MobjörK, M. Nilsson, E. Alfredsson, K. Skånberg, H. Sonnsjö, M. Benzie, H. Carlsen, E. Kemp-Benedict. (2013). Sweden in a World of Growing Uncertainties: Background report 10 to the Commission on the Future of Sweden. Fritzes: Stockholm, Sweden.

The report proceeds from the growing realisation that a damaged environment has direct economic and social consequences, and goes beyond the narrow ecological agenda of recent decades, or debates over sustainability. In policy terms, it involves the systematic incorporation of environmental considerations into the heart of economic decision-making – and, by extension, into the heart of modern society.

The implications of carrying out such a transformation are potentially major. A green economy can be a prime means of strengthening Sweden’s economic, political and social fabric against a future likely to be defined by growing uncertainties, possibly punctuated by severe crises, and almost certainly shadowed by insecurity.

Sweden is in many respects well suited to the task. However, it will take years, even decades, to accomplish. It will require concerted effort, numerous policy trade-offs and some difficult choices. It is one thing to be forward-looking, and quite another to grasp the challenge and make the actual commitments – in time and effort as well as money – that will make a difference, and which some countries are already well in the process of making. This report uses a scenario-based approach to discuss the robustness of different policy options to deal with a future characterised by deep uncertainty.


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SEI authors

Måns Nilsson
Måns Nilsson

Executive Director

SEI Headquarters

Eric Kemp-Benedict
Eric Kemp-Benedict

SEI Affiliated Researcher


Profile picture of Magnus Benzie
Magnus Benzie

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Oxford

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