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The Adaptation Continuum: Groundwork for the Future

This book is a result of five years of work funded by the Netherlands Climate Assistance Program (NCAP).

Tahia Devisscher / Published on 17 February 2010

Devisscher, T., O’Brien, G., O’Keefe, P., Tellam, I. (2009). The Adaptation Continuum: Groundwork for the Future. Devisscher. T., G. O'Brien, P. O'Keefe and I. Tellam (eds.) (2009). The Adaptation Continuum: Groundwork for the Future. Leusden, Netherlands: ETC Foundation.

The focus of the program was to understand the challenges posed by climate change and climate variability on vulnerable groups and the policies needed to support climate adaptation in developing countries.

The aim of the book is to share this experience in the hope that it will be helpful to those involved in shaping and implementing climate change policy.

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Tahia Devisscher

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Oxford

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