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Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation

Christopher Swartz, Amanda Fencl / Published on 3 December 2009

Fencl, A., Swartz, C. and D. Yates (2008). Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Prepared for the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi

This preliminary assessment report, prepared for the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi, aims to identify and assess the potential magnitude of the physical impacts due to climate change on three vulnerable sectors in the United Arab Emirates: coastal zones, water resources, and dryland ecosystems. It includes recommendations for sustainable adaptation processes that policymakers could adopt going forward. The report is organized into three main parts with sector-specific findings and recommendations:

Part 1: Impacts, Vulnerability, & Adaptation for Coastal Zones in the United Arab Emirates, an analysis of sea level rise on coastal zones throughout the Emirates.

Part 2: Impacts, Vulnerability, & Adaptation for Water Resources in Abu Dhabi, an analysis of water supply and demand in the face of climate change in the Abu Dhabi Emirate.

Part 3: Impacts, Vulnerability, & Adaptation for Dryland Ecosystems in Abu Dhabi, a qualitative assessment of the impact of increased variability in rainfall and temperature regimes on dryland systems in the Abu Dhabi Emirate.

Download the report (PDF, 8.8MB, from SEI-US website)

SEI authors

Christopher Swartz

Contracts Officer



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