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Future Contributions of Socio-Economic Research to the Conservation of Biodiversity

This chapter is part of a book which describes and summarises the major pressures, impacts and risks of biodiversity loss at a global level.

Piret Kuldna, Kaja Peterson, Meelis Uustal / Published on 16 December 2010

Spangenberg, J., L. Akenji, P. Kuldna, K. Peterson, M. Uustal et al. (2010). Future Contributions of Socio-Economic Research to the Conservation of Biodiversity. Spangenberg, J., L. Akenji, P. Kuldna, K. Peterson, M. Uustal et al. (2010). Future Contributions of Socio-Economic Research to the Conservation of Biodiversity. In: J. Settele et al. (eds.) Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. Sofia-Moscow: Pensoft Publishers. Pp.204 - 206.

The main risks identified are caused by global climate and land use change, enviornmental pollution, loss of pollinators and biological invasions. The impacts and consequences of biodiversity loss are analyzed with a strong focus on socio-economic drivers and their effects on society.

SEI authors

Piret Kuldna

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

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