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Vulnerability of Human-Environment Systems: Challenges and Opportunities (Chapter 7 of the Global Environment Outlook)

The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is the flagship product of the United Nations Environment Programme. SEI contributed to chapter 7 of GEO-4 that deals with well-being and vulnerability and the policy options for improving well-being, and reducing the vulnerability of the human-environment system.

Vikrom Mathur, Frank Thomalla / Published on 20 January 2009

Jäger, J.; Kok, M.; Mohamed-Katerere, J.C.; Karlsson, S.I.; Lüdeke, M.K.B.; Dabelko, G.D.; Thomalla, F.; de Soysa, I.; Chenje, M.; Filcak, R.; Koshy, L.; Long Martello, M.; Mathur, V.; Moreno, A.R.; Narain, V.; Sietz, D. (2007). Vulnerability of Human-Environment Systems: Challenges and Opportunities (Chapter 7 of the Global Environment Outlook). Global Environment Outlook GEO-4.

This chapter identifies challenges to and opportunities for improving human-well-being through analyses of the vulnerability of human-environment systems to environmental and socio-economic change. Vulnerability is the combination of exposure and sensitivity to risk and the (in)ability to cope or adapt.

Archetypes of vulnerability, which are specific representative patterns of the interactions between environmental change and human well-being, are analysed. The archetypes illustrate the basic processes whereby vulnerability is produced. This may allow policymakers to recognize their particular situations within a broader context – providing regional perspectives and important connections between regions and the global context and insights into possible solutions. The archetypes show the relation between vulnerability, environment and human well-being and illustrate the opportunities the environment offers to improve human well-being

The archetypes look at Common Pool Resources, Contaminated Sites, Drylands, Energy Production and Consumption Systems, Small Island Developing States, Technological Fixes of Water Problems and Urbanization in the Coastal Zones. The components of well-being analyzed in the archetypes, are material assets, health, security, social relations and freedom and choice. Overarching issues in relation to vulnerability are equity, the export of vulnerability from one place or generation to another, the potential for conflict and the impacts of natural hazards. Vulnerability can be reduced by using the opportunities the environment offers for policy making beyond the environmental policy domain, such as poverty reduction and health policies, trade and finance, science and technology, as well as the governance system for sustainable development. Meeting these challenges should be done in a way that does not further worsen the environmental situation, or increase the vulnerability of future generations.

The main opportunities that are identified are:
• Improve access to natural resources.
• Improve governance and planning processes.
• Utilise the environment to reduce conflict and improve cooperation.
• Globalization, trade, finance and aid.
• Apply appropriate technologies for reducing vulnerability
• Knowledge, information and education.

Download the background paper about GEO-4 (PDF)

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Vikrom Mathur

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Asia

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Frank Thomalla

SEI Affiliated Researcher

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