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SEI working paper

Vulnerability in the context of post 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami recovery: Lessons for building more resilient coastal communities

Relief and recovery efforts after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in South East Asia are burdened by extreme competitiveness and lack of collective action, SEI researchers say.

Rasmus Kløcker Larsen, Fiona Miller, Frank Thomalla / Published on 13 March 2009

Larsen, R.K.; Miller, F.; Thomalla, F. (2008). Vulnerability in the context of post 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami recovery: Lessons for building more resilient coastal communities. Larsen, R.K., Miller, F. and F. Thomalla (2008). Vulnerability in the context of post 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami recovery: Lessons for building more resilient coastal communities: A synthesis of documented factors contributing to tsunami related vulnerability in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Stockholm: SEI. Risk, Livelihoods and Vulnerability Programme: Working paper.

The recovery in countries severely affected by the tsunami such as Sri Lanka and Indonesia provides an important opportunity for building societies that are more equitable, sustainable and resilient to environmental risks. However, a lack of collective action amongst agents delivering humanitarian and livelihood support, governments, and those directly affected by the tsunami, represents a considerable obstacle in this process.

Download the working paper (PDF: 1.13MB)

See also the research report Vulnerability and recovery from the tsunami: building resilient coastal communities: a synthesis of factors contributing to tsunami-related vulnerability in Sri Lanka and Indonesia

SEI authors

Rasmus Kløcker Larsen
Rasmus Kløcker Larsen

Team Leader: Rights and Equity

SEI Headquarters

Profile picture of Frank Thomalla
Frank Thomalla

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Asia

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